Dual Reality

The Adventures
del hole de Schrödinger

Challenge your perceptions of reality in this innovative puzzle platformer, where you control both the living cat and the dead cat at the same time

GDD and Game Information

Find the various portals to get the two states of the cat (alive and dead) manage to get out of the box. Discover an innovative mechanic that will make your head dance and think of various strategies and new ways to solve puzzles.

Description of the video game

A “Dual Reality”, control the living and dead states of Schrödinger's cat as they navigate through a series of challenging levels filled with deadly dangers and mind-blowing puzzles.
Players must overcome obstacles and reach the portal that leads to the next level. As you progress, you will discover the secrets of various cat realities.

You will be able to escape the deadly traps and unlock the ultimate truth? Only one way to find out. Join Schrödinger's cat on an epic journey through dual reality.

Sales pitch

fast game, of skill for the coordination of the two characters, expandable levels, with a difficulty curve as the challenges will become more and more complicated, new mechanisms and new abilities. Very simple and very versatile game mechanics. Retro pixel aesthetics with good animations and visual details. Achievable within one year of production with the current equipment.

Game Engine

Dual Reality is programmed with Game Maker Studio for its ease of initial learning when working with junior artists and applicants. The platform is very versatile when it comes to exporting to Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, HTML5, Android, iOS, PlayStation, Xbox i Nintendo Switch.

Game Genre

  • Puzzle
  • Side platforms
  • PC i consoles


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  • PC by launch
  • Apple, XBOX, PS4 i
  • Nintendo Switch al futur